World Day for Safety at Work: Tips for a Safe Workplace
According to the UN (United Nations) data, nearly 6300 people lose their lives every day, due to occupational accidents or work-related diseases. The data also suggests about 317 million accidents occur at workplaces globally, resulting in extended absence from work. The data stresses the importance of establishing a safe, secure, and healthy environment for the workers.
While work-related hazards are prevalent in every industry, the construction industry poses the highest degree of challenges. Since construction workers are required to work with various heavy equipment every day, they are prone to injuries and accidents. Despite the various threats, the safety of the construction workers is still ignored. Workers continue to carry out their daily tasks without proper safety equipment.
To ensure a safe working place for all the workers worldwide across industries, the ILO (International Labour Organisation) observes World Day for Safety and Health at work on 28th April. The primary objective of this day is to promote the prevention of occupational accidents and diseases worldwide. The theme for World Day for Safety celebration in 2022 is 'creating a positive safety and health culture.'
Keeping the theme of the World Day for Safety at work celebration in mind, let us see how we can reduce accidents, keep the workers safe and create a good health culture in the construction business.
Provide training to workers for using construction equipment
At a regular construction site, workers use several heavy equipment and machinery. However, they don't realise that operating such machines can be dangerous, if not used properly.
It is the responsibility of engineers, maintenance departments and contractor’s responsibility to educate the workers on the associated hazards behind using any construction equipment like fork lifts, trucks, excavators, conveyors, cranes and hoists, winches, passenger lifts etc.
Implement practices to ensure visitors' safety
Like the workers, the visitors too could be at risk of injuries and accidents at a construction site. Hence, construction business owners must enforce strict safety measures for the site visitors. You can clearly mark the route for visitors so that they can easily move around without worrying about their safety. This will prevent visitors from wandering into danger zones.
Keep the work area clean
Often the construction sites are dirty with debris lying around. This can significantly increase the risk of accidents. The contractors and site supervisors should ensure to clean the work area before beginning and ending each day’s work and encourage the workers to do the same.
This may involve cleaning up the spills, taking out the waste, drying out the area where electrical work may be done, etc. A clean working space can make a world of difference in ensuring the workers’ safety.
Protective gear
Personal protective equipment, commonly referred to as "PPE", is an equipment worn to minimise exposure to hazards that cause serious workplace injuries and illnesses. These injuries and illnesses may result from contact with chemical, radiological, physical, electrical, mechanical, or other workplace hazards. Personal protective equipment may include items such as gloves, safety glasses, shoes, earplugs or muffs, hard hats, respirators, or coveralls, vests and full body suits.
The supervisor must ensure that the employees' use perfect-fitting PPE. Improper fitting or damaged PPE is equal to no PPE and leaves the workers vulnerable to injuries.
Modular Construction – Best Way to Ensure Workers' Safety
In modular construction, most of the work takes place in a factory-controlled environment. It significantly reduces the risk of injuries and accidents that are common at off-site locations. Also, in modular construction, every process is guided by strict industry-standard protocols, and the workers are trained accordingly.
Nest-In from the house of Tata Steel, ensure that the workers' safety is of utmost importance and non-compliance to safety protocols is not permitted. The Nest-In Shield initiative introduced, aims to make the worksite safe for all our solution partners and their workers and make it an accident-free zone.
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